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For site mix and gypsum based materials.

SPRAY PLAST Gypsos M is the revolution in site mix for gypsum plasters that reducing the cost of the material and its application. The addition of the admixture in the proper dosage in the gypsum transforms the gypsum to a material suitable for spray application with premium properties.
The gypsum plaster obtains instantly a minimum setting time of 90 min, quick emulsion, plasticity, workability, water retantion, easy spreading, water resistance, easy leveling and higher strength.
The SRAY PLAST Gypsos M can be mixed with the gypsum in any suitable mixer and then be pumped and sprayed with machines like PRAXIS and PRAXIS MEGA.

SPRAY PLAST Gypsos M is an admixture for gypsum plaster for manual application.
This admixture increasing significantly the productivity and minimizing the material waste by extending the setting time of the gypsum or P.O.P plaster, providing plasticity, better workability and easy spreading and leveling of the material.

SPRAY PLAST Gypsos M PREMIUM contains richer formulation for increased optimized properties. It provides higher plasticity, water retantion, water proofing and all premium properties of SPRAY PLAST M.

SPRAY PLAST Gypsos L is based on the formulation of SPRAY PLAST GYPSOS M with the addition of lightweight aggregates for the production site mixed lightweight gypsum plaster.
The lightweight aggregates reducing the weight of the plaster, provide thermal insulation properties to the plaster and increasing the surface coverage per kg of material. SPRAY PLAST Gypsos L is available in 2 grades for spray and manual application.